Standalone Converter Quick Start Guide
In this article we will give a brief overview of how to quickly get started with a standalone GAF Converter.
Download and Install
Firstly, download GAF Converter from the downloads page and install it. Standalone GAF Converter is built with Adobe AIR and requires AIR runtime. If you don’t have the AIR runtime, our installer will download it and install automatically.
Run and Preview
After the installation is complete run the application and the following window will be opened:
This is the Preview Mode. Here you can start converting your SWF animations right away, without logging in or registering. Just drag an SWF file in the converter window and the conversion will immediately start. After the conversion is complete, GAF Player will automatically play the conversion result.
Conversion Settings
GAF Converter has a number of conversion settings that you can set up before conversion. You can choose conversion source, conversion mode, texture atlas settings and much more. Conversion Settings Dialog is accessible by clicking settings button in the top right corner of the working area.
Please read article Standalone Converter Settings Dialog for more information about each conversion setting. By default, GAF Converter saves the conversion result as *.zip archive in the same directory with the original SWF file.
GAF playback libraries
Conversion result you can play in one of the frameworks using corresponding GAF playback library. All available playback libraries you can find on our download page.
Starling GAF
Starling GAF playback library you can download from github. Demo projects are also available under demo directory on github. API reference available on our site.
Unity3d GAF
Unity3d GAF playback library you can download from the Unity3d Asset Store in two versions: Free and Pro.
Pro plug-in version provides extended Unity3d interface for GAF:
- Flexible resources management (possibility to load animation data (textures/materials) in a custom way - from Unity bundle for example).
- Working with filters (*Unity Pro editor required).
- Integration with the mecanim state machine (through the mecanim events system).
Demo scene examples are included into Free and Pro unity packages.
API reference Free and API reference Pro available on our site.
Cocos2d-x v3 GAF
Cocos2d-x v3 GAF playback library you can download from github. Demo projects also available under demo directory on github. API reference available on our site.
Supported platforms:
- Windows - Cocos2d-x v3.1.1, v3.2
- iOS - Cocos2d-x v3.1.1, v3.2
- Android - Cocos2d-x v3.1.1, v3.2
- Windows Phone 8 in Cocos2d-x v3.3
To check GAF Player examples:
- Copy repo (or create symlink) to cocos2d-x/external/
- Compile
- Run
Video instruction can be found here: GAF Video Instructions for XCode
Cocos2d-x v2 GAF
Cocos2d-x v2 GAF playback library you can download from github. Demo projects are also available under demo directory on github. API reference available on our site.
Note: Works only with animations converted with conversion mode: "plain". More information about conversion modes and their key differences read in article Conversion modes “plain” and “nesting”.
Cocos2d GAF
Cocos2d GAF playback library you can download from github.