How to add seats/users to the license?
When you buy the Studio or Enterprise license you also get additional seats. Those seats can be distributed between your team members. Follow the instruction below to assign a team member to a seat:
1. Login using the account of the license owner.
2. Go to the “My Account” (1) menu and choose the “Licenses” (2).
3. In the "Actions" column press the "Add seats" (3) button, enter the number of the seats that you want to add, and press "Add" (4) button. The empty seat will be added.
4. Press "Assign to user"(5) button in the corresponding empty seat row. Enter e-mail of a user registered in gafmedia, and press "Assign"(6) button.
5. Done. The seat is assigned to the corresponding account.
The number of seats is limited according to the license. More information about the number of seats for each license you can find on our pricing page.