
  What is GAF Format?

GAF stands for Generic Animation Format. It is an extended cut-out animation format. It was designed to store animations, converted from SWF format into an open format, that can be played using any framework/technology on any platform.

GAF format is designed to meet the following goals:

GAF Format consists of two parts: Texture Atlas and Binary Config.

Texture Atlas

Texture Atlas contains all animation parts that are saved as raster graphics in PNG format. The animation parts are placed densely inside one atlas. But in the case when there is not enough place in a single atlas animation parts can be placed in two and more texture atlases. The maximum number of the generated texture atlases for one animation is not limited.

Also, GAF Converter can generate texture atlases for different screen resolutions. You can create one animation in Flash Pro and then convert it to the GAF for the iOS Retina and non-Retina displays (using CSF settings) and for the wide range of Android devices (using Scale settings). For more information about Scale and CSF conversion settings please read this article: Standalone GAF Converter: Conversion settings.

Binary Config

GAF Binary Config contains the following information:

Note: GAF Format doesn't contain bones, keyframes, and a tween's data between keyframes (like Dragon Bones or Spine). It is more similar to the SWF format (frame-based format that contains full information about each animation part in the first frame and the other frames contain information about the difference between the current frame and the previous frame).

Animations saved in GAF Format can be played in a number of the frameworks via the GAF playback libraries. Right now we support a few frameworks. But the GAF Format is an open format and developers can develop their own GAF playback libraries for any framework/technology they need. The GAF Binary Config specification is already under development and will be available soon.