
  What is GAF?

GAF is a solution that allows porting animations created in Flash Pro into an extended cutout animation format and playback them in different popular frameworks, such as Unity3d, Cocos2d-x, Starling and other.

Despite the fact that the converted animation is saved as cutout animation, animators are not limited only by the cutout animation technique. They can use any familiar technique and tools that Flash Pro supports. GAF Converter is smart enough to convert all the animations created in Flash Pro. There are only few limitations that an animator should remember in process of animation creation. The list of the limitations is in the article GAF Converter Limitations.

GAF is designed to convert only graphics and animations created in Flash Pro. GAF is NOT designed for converting complete applications and games created using Flash technology.

The main features of the GAF are:

GAF comprises three main parts: GAF Format, SWF to GAF Converter and GAF Playback Libraries.

GAF Format - is an extended cutout animation format. It consists of Texture Atlas and Binary Config. Texture Atlas contains all animation parts saved as raster graphics in PNG format. Binary Config contains full information about animation including dynamic filters, masks, structure of the nested timelines etc. More information about GAF Format please read in the article What is GAF Format?.

SWF to GAF Converter - the tool for conversion animations from the SWF files into the GAF format. Available as: standalone application GAF Converter, Unity GAF Converter and GAF Publisher for Flash Pro. More information about GAF Converter please read in the article What is GAF Converter?.

GAF Playback Libraries - playback libraries that allow to play GAF in different popular frameworks. Already available for frameworks: Unity3d, Cocos2d-x, Cocos2d-iphone, Starling. In development: Cocos2D-JS. More information about GAF Playback Libraries please read in article What is GAF playback library?.

Before start using GAF please also read articles How does GAF Converter select content for conversion? and How does the conversion work?.